Monday, January 3, 2011

Day - 3 Stevie Wonder

There are often days where I wake up bitter and take on the day with a vengence. It's how I imagine O-Ren Ishii, the half japanese, half chinese american assasain and former member of the Deadly Viper Assaination Squad wakes up. Ready to attack everything with a cynical and pissed off point of view..

The severity of how much I LOVE Stevie Wonder is just this.

His tunes turn my once crabby mood into a mental blankless of glee.. Like I just ate a bowl of Stawberry Shortcake and her friends, then soiled the world with rainbows and bunnies!

It is truly indescribable how his music makes me feel ..

(This is one of my favorite video's to watch of Stevie .. those pipes and those Carrera sunglasses, I love it! This was a performance that he did for Sesame Street, and the best part of this video is the kid on the balcony hair whipping like he doesnt have a care in the world!)

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