Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The BEST documentary you have probably never heard of.

It has been extremely challenging for me to find the right words to say to make you guys want to watch this film, and after 30 minutes of writing, then erasing and re writing and re wording the synopsis, I'm just speechless. I have no idea how to relay the way this film made me feel, or how to tell you the severity of threat these men are in everyday to take down the Taliban in the most dangerous place on earth, Korengal Valley, Afghanistan.

The Korengal Valley (a.k.a Valley of death)is an indefinite home to a platoon of soldiers in an oppressive unglamorous setting the government fails to mention. The unbearble conditions are masked by miles of beautiful mountains that appear to be misplaced from an alpine desert. Alot of scenes in this film were hard to comprehend. You can sense their heavy hearts, their fear, and their vulnerability. This story exposes the facts of existence they don't disclose on CNN, on FOX NEWS, in Time Magaizne. The despair is authentic.

Tim Hetherington and Sebastian Junger filmed this on a journalism assignment for Vanity Fair in 2009. In their directors statement, they had this to say and I think that it was very accuratley delivered. They said,

"Soldiers are living and fighting and dying at remote outposts in Afghanistan in conditions that few Americans back home can imagine. Their experiences are important to understand, regardless of one's political beliefs. Beliefs are a way to avoid looking at reality. This is reality."

If you are indeed interested in watching this you can free stream it on Netflix right now through your computer or gaming system.

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