Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day - 16 Adora BatBrat

This hasn't inspired me in the least bit. I just wanted to show you what it looks like when people take obsessions too far. I like horror, and I like vampires. Real vampires, not the ones that explode into glitter when they hit the sun, but this chicks taken one too many steps in her quest to look like a real vamp.

Oh and if you don't know who Adora is and you are into goth then you have been living under a rock... Adora is like the Olivia Wilde of the goth world.


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  3. Adora BatBrat is a beautiful, creative, amazing and highly inspirational women to many people. You should feature her as an alternative inspiration, rather then ignorantly bashing her. Adora doesn't think she's a vampire, she just does what she wants and doesn't care what people think of her. That is what's truly inspirational about her. You would know this if you would take the time to get to know her rather then judging based on appearances.
